Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan 3 Home - Ottawa - Canada

The holidays are over and it is time to set the mind for work. I am enjoying this experience of blogging as I review my day. I know there are going to be busy days when I will have no time to shoot a video or to write... I hope to have the discipline to catch up. This will make more sense at the end of the year when I can look back.

I had my annual physical today. Results are great. Blood pressure: 121/78 almost ideal. It’s snowed on and off in Ottawa and the roads are slushy. I had leftovers for lunch but decided to cook for dinner. Saša barbequed some pork shops while I baked my second-ever gužvara.

350 g Feta Cheese
350 g Philadelphia
4 eggs
A glass of Club Soda
½ glass of grape seed oil
The rest is a family secret.

TV series of the moment: Brothers & Sisters (3rd season). My chosen author Portuguese Nobel Laureate Jose Saramago and my fauvorite of his, The Cave.

Tip of the Day: Get a physical!


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