Thursday, March 13, 2008

THE UNJUSTIFIABLE – Another paradox of our times

My land has no name on their map. “There is no such land”, they say. They don’t want to name us as if that would stop our existence. No acknowledgement, no existence. They believe our land is a geographical term. That it used to designate a region in those days when there was no nation or state in the area. But that’s a lie. We’ve been here all this time. They have forced the facts for their own convenience. I was born here. I know what I am talking about. I have seen my people suffer. We have watered their trees with our tears.

My land has been occupied and we expropriated. Most of the world pays blind eye to our condition and has agreed to call my land a different name. Everybody knows it but they do nothing. They are loud because they own stronger weapons. We are confined to inhabit corners, basements, bordering towns. We still remain stateless, homeless, refuges in neighbouring lands. They have the right, we don’t. Why? I don’t know.

I was born landless. My people believe otherwise. I believe my people. But if in their eyes we owe nothing, what does my brother have to loose when he immolates himself and kills their people? They believe he is a terrorist, I believe he is a saint. I am sure he wakes up in heaven where world borders are unknown. If they kill hundreds of us no one knows it but if we kill a handful of them, the whole world grieves them. It is not fair.

“Be careful with justifying the unjustifiable”, they’ve told me “do not mix olives with dates”. Hypocrites! I think that principle applies to both sides. God knows it well.


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