Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My Devon is a growing gentleman. He's come a long way... he can reach altitudes now and jump and swim in this world that has challenged his path with tremendous obstacles. But he's managing thanks to his inner determination and his new family environment (where he's taken care of, understood, supported). We went swimming last weekend and crossed the pool a couple of times. He can dive into the deeper side and knows every life guard at the community centre. He proudly introduced me. Also gave me some of his drawings, a math text with excellent results and told me he had drawn his family and home including me. More than I could have ever expected. We met in August 2005 and have been "big brothers" since. I'd love to take him to Ottawa someday and do a few rode trips with him as he gets older. He reads and writes now so it is easier to communicate. When I told him I wanted to go for my doctorate degree, he said, he too wants to become a doctor. I pray for that day!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aún me acuerdo de las primeras visitas...
A Devon le cambió la vida el día que te conoció, que bonito verlos crecer juntos.