Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan 22 - Manufacturing Consent and the conspiracy theories - Ottawa

The two conspiracy theories are: On one hand... Pat Robertson

On the other one... Hugo Chavez

What's your take? Share



Greta said...

Well, that blows up my course on Geology I just completed if Pat Robertson thinks earthquakes are the result of pacts with the Deh-vul! BTW, on whose authority does he make this claim? The Deh-vul? Laugh-a-minute stuff that little video....

Greta said...

And the other theory on earthquake making machines is a doozy as well.
What about plain old boring plate tectonics just simply doing its thing?

I really like reading your blog entries Antonio. I like how you match up books with events.

Antonio said...

Thank you Gretsky... your feedback means a lot to me. I find blogging inspiring; it allows me to share thoughts and ideas, and to remain "active" on more personal stuff despite the distractions of the everyday life. Thanks for sharing.