Friday, April 25, 2008

Fear of chaos 2

In an egalitarian society where there is freedom of speech and thought, individuals would be able to make free choices (aside from justice, from government policies, from formal education, from religious indoctrination). In a democratic society, 50%+ of the population (called the majority) has "a say" to decide over the rest of the population (with limited fractions of participation: on staged elections, limited number of political parties, arranged referendums, etc). Freedom of speech and thought that go against the mainstream order and that become civil disobedience or take more violent forms have very little account in democratic societies. A free society of individuals, where each person could make decisions (above the law and established order) is closer to anarchism than to democracy. Anarchism is linked with chaos and that fear of "chaos" invites political elites, economic powers, educational institutions... to establish control measures over their populations.  The enforcement of the order can happen "peacefully" through institutional indoctrination, law enforcement and fear of punishment (by earthy or divine justice)... but can also be violent through the use of force, correction, imprisonment, torture, intimidation, harassment, etc. A perfect society seems to be the one that moves within the permitted boundaries of a system and where people believe that there is freedom of choice. "Chaotic" societies are less indoctrinated and have a social potential to rediscover new ways of socializing and governing. Even though capitalism, in principle, seems to be opposed to democracy, it uses the "free market trade" and the "equal opportunities for all" speech in order to spread its values. It is true that capitalism as well as democracy empower very small elites... but there are deep internal difference between a true democracy and true capitalism. Political and corporation elites seem to work hand to hand to support an economic system that does not seem to be challenged enough (despite the poverty rates on the planet).  But there is no true democracy nor true capitalism. We are closer to monarchic societies, tyrannies and dictatorships... more than ever... our limited participation in the say of our governments is almost nonexistent . Why is Canada still invading Afghanistan and the US killing/and being killed in Iraq? The elites made that choice "and they know better" (we, the people who elect them and who oppose these wars,"know very little" that's why we elect elites to represent us).  Share


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