Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meeting A&O

We were of course nervous. It's normal I guess. He had to pick them up and bring them over here before we went either bowling or skating. They chose bowling and that was fine with me. Bowling shoes are quite funny; god knows how many feet have been in them. The lazes quite fluorescent... and the afternoon bright enough for a cold winter day. We played for about 2 hours and I was lucky enough to win the 4 matches. By the time we left and got to Mexicali Rosa's we were all  starving. Fajitas and chili... also some nachos and sangria (not may "fave" as S would say). We talked and eventually laughed at silly jokes. We didn't shake hands upon departure but there was a good vibe in the air. I didn't take them home, I stayed at my new place and waited for S. We couldn't have asked for more. We loved each other again and again as we rewinded fresh memories... the end of this story is actually the beginning of ours.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a stroll

Contanza paints the night with her breath; I can't hardly see her face... not that I want to but she insists on blowing air out onto this frozen night. She walks behind me and our shadows are one. We are a chubby giant. It's the jackets.

"Plethora" , she mumbles.
"Is that your new word?"
"An embarrassment of riches".
"Not again".
When I silence her she gets lost in the cloud she exhales. She's a walking dictionary or an obssesed empty head.
"Why go to extremes?".
"Yes, in one hand overabundance and in the other one excess of need".
"We are here!" I cry.

We knock on the door and no one hears us. It is the eternal ending. They are never home. "Don't knock next time, just walk in" we were told. But we can't, what if a dog jumps on our chests and bites our eyes... we resign and undo our steps in frustrated silence; this time Constanza is the monter's head while she plays dragon on the surface of the night. Share


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

the return

the working day is almost gone. I'll be fed by business partners in 20 minutes. It will be a farewell and a welcoming ceremony. I am moving to Ottawa and my replacement at work has just started. The dining ritual will be partly natural, partly fake. Business is business but traces of humanity may surface when least expected. I am at the verge of a huge change. The change has already started but I am going through its second half... back to its ending edge therefore its verge. I haven't written thoughts in ages. "Welcome back!", new beginnings are always welcome. Share
